my life seems getting boring here -__-
oke jadi rencana liburan yang udah gue susun dengan sempurna hancur berantakan. entah itu karena mood gue, telepon dari bokap gue, atau gara-gara Dave. akhir-akhir ini mood gue udah kaya roller coaster, up and down easily. apa karena efek telepon dari bokap gue juga ya?
bokap gue makin lama makin sucks aja deh. ngapain sih dia nelpon gue mulu? topicnya pun hanya sekedar itu-itu aja, gimana sekolah gue, apa makan gue baik, apa gue cukup tidur, apa gue seneng, gimana kabar gue dan temen gue, blah blah. is he trying to get me back? oh c'mon, he abandoned me then now he shows that he does care a lot about me. wtf! i think i'm going to change my skype account so that he cant contact me again. i will put that on my next list!
hal yang makin memperparah liburan gue adalah, Dave yang selalu break promise. ohmy, i dont want to talk about him right now.
satu-satunya hal yang bisa gue harapkan adalah Asta. oh, chatted with him could heal my bad mood lol. he's such a patient person who can calm me down. he's the best guy ever exist on this whole world
satu lagi yang memperparah liburan gue adalah sodara tiri gue. oh my god, if killing people is make sense, i'll kill him for sure! such an annoying immature boy, and he keeps disturbing me. gue ga mau ngadu sama bokap, karena gue juga males sama bokap -__- mom, help me pleeeease? my mom is always busy with the preparation of her wed with Chuck. yea, Chuck will be my new dad! how cool is it? My last name would change into Bass, Renata Elika Bass will be my new name on my schools data. lol.
ahaha, see you next time
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