Tuesday, December 22, 2009

tea, anybody?

afternoon eh?
my life seems getting boring here -__-
oke jadi rencana liburan yang udah gue susun dengan sempurna hancur berantakan. entah itu karena mood gue, telepon dari bokap gue, atau gara-gara Dave. akhir-akhir ini mood gue udah kaya roller coaster, up and down easily. apa karena efek telepon dari bokap gue juga ya?
bokap gue makin lama makin sucks aja deh. ngapain sih dia nelpon gue mulu? topicnya pun hanya sekedar itu-itu aja, gimana sekolah gue, apa makan gue baik, apa gue cukup tidur, apa gue seneng, gimana kabar gue dan temen gue, blah blah. is he trying to get me back? oh c'mon, he abandoned me then now he shows that he does care a lot about me. wtf! i think i'm going to change my skype account so that he cant contact me again. i will put that on my next list!
hal yang makin memperparah liburan gue adalah, Dave yang selalu break promise. ohmy, i dont want to talk about him right now.
satu-satunya hal yang bisa gue harapkan adalah Asta. oh, chatted with him could heal my bad mood lol. he's such a patient person who can calm me down. he's the best guy ever exist on this whole world right after Changsun and Hyukjae *rofl*
satu lagi yang memperparah liburan gue adalah sodara tiri gue. oh my god, if killing people is make sense, i'll kill him for sure! such an annoying immature boy, and he keeps disturbing me. gue ga mau ngadu sama bokap, karena gue juga males sama bokap -__- mom, help me pleeeease? my mom is always busy with the preparation of her wed with Chuck. yea, Chuck will be my new dad! how cool is it? My last name would change into Bass, Renata Elika Bass will be my new name on my schools data. lol.
ahaha, see you next time


Thursday, December 17, 2009

This Is What People {Me} Do During Holiday


hey, I got you! :D

ahaha, that was me at the Semaphore Jetty long time ago. I love to go there, that place has such a beautiful scene, esp at the afternoon when the sun sets. Dave and I always go there for hunting pics. oh yea, Dave is a photographer. he's so gifted :D

oke enough yaa english-english an. liburan kali ini, kerjaan gue ya gini-gini aja. online-tidur-makan-hunting foto. yihaaa gue dapet kamera SLR baru, I love you Chuck *hugs*. tapi gue masih belum jago megang SLR, lols. oh I know Dave could teach me a thing :D. and couple days ago, I captured this;

the beautiful scene of Semaphore Jetty

Dave said, this picture's awesome. I captured this with my old SLR. He said, I got the flare. lols, I'm so amateur at photography. But I love this pic, so much. My old camera seems like to proof it still can be used. lmao.

oh iya, sore ini kira-kira gue mau kemana ya? kalo ga ke bioskop, palingan gue di rumah. bikin fanfic atau ga ngedit foto atau ga tidur aja. lols. oh iya, gue juga musti rekaman buat cover lagu sorry sorry answer. dan gue juga masih punya utang clip collab sama Uni :D kayanya gue udah tau jadwal buat sore ini apa aja. ahaha.
oh iya, soal insomnia gue. gue kan lagi suka banget sama minuman ini;

yummy farmers union's iced coffee :p

kira-kira ngaruh ga sih sama insomnia gue? gara-gara gue minum iced coffee ini? tapi gue udah addict sama iniiii T_T huks, dan lagi gue juga suka ngemil lays. you know what, di minimarket circle K Adelaide gue nemu lays rasa curry.lols, bahagianya gue nemu lays ini. xD dan soal cemilan, gue ga pernah kapok untuk mencari cemilan baru *grin* salah satunya gue nemu frozen gelato ini,dan rasanya oh so wow :p

my faves :9

oh, it's time to lunch now, yummy~

so, enjoy your day
l'espoir jouit de ce jour entier joyeusement :)




hai :D
you know, it's almost 11.30 PM at my place now. gatau kenapa gue selalu aja betah melek sampe malem. mungkin salah satunya karena gue nungguin telepon dari Asta, lol. you know what? I do miss him a lot! udah hampir tiga bulan gue ga ketemu dia. dia berubah ga ya? lol, meskipun sedikit kemungkinan bahwa kurun waktu tiga bulan bisa merubah seseorang. 

minggu ini adalah minggu-minggu paling terberat. kenapa ya bokap gue masih suka nelpon-nelpon? kan gue ga nyaman aja kalo dia nelpon mulu. dan sodara tiri gue, yaitu anak dari tante Ruth-istri bokap yang baru, suka ngeselin banget di YM ato MSN. harusnya emang gue delete tuh dari list gue, tapi ga enak. pasti dia nanti ngadu ke bokap dan di telpon bokap gue berbicara ini-itu bla bla bla. jadilaah gue kalo sign in di keduanya musti invisible dulu. kalo si sodara tiri gue ini ga ada, yaaa gue online deh :D

anyway, tadi pacarnya nyokap kerumah. his name is Chuck. uh wait, his full name is Chuck Bass. yay, just like that Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl. satu pertanyaan dalam benak gue, kalo dia udah resmi jadi bokap gue, will my last name change into Bass? apakah nama gue bakal jadi Renata Bass? lols, sounds weird xD

oh yea, nyokap gue bisa buat yakiniku loh. ahaha tumbeeeen. akhirnya berhasil juga dia bikin, dan lumayan sih rasanya. dan kata Chuck juga, nyokap gue masakannya enak. 

satu lagi, tadi gue dikalahin main catur sama Chuck. oh geez, he's so damn smart. gara-gara kebanyakan main catur kali yea? pr liburan akhir taun gue aja ludes sama dia, ahaha. kalo gitu, sering-sering main ke rumah ya Chuck! :D

and the last, tadi sore gue ga jadi ke semaphore jetty sama Dave. yaa gara-gara ada Chuck di rumah. tadinya kita mau hunting foto bareng. Dave tetangga gue sih, gue tinggal buka jendela dan ngetok jendela dia. lols. 

oh iya, tadi gue udah make appointment sama dokter. gue harus check up kata nyokap -___- gatau tuh, padahal kayanya gue baik-baik aja. emang sih, gue akhir-akhir ini, bukan akhir-akhir ya. tapi emang tiap hari, insomnia. dan karena insomnia ini, gue jadi sering pusing and I got my nose bleeding. dia takut gue anemia katanya, tapi gue masih minum vitamin juga. yea emang dasar gue dablek aja, meski nose bleeding dan huge headache, tetep online deeh.

oh i should go to sleep earlier tonight, gue udah janji sama diri gue sendiri sih :D
biasanya gue bisa tidur jam 2-3 pagi

bonne nuit et sommeil serré :D


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

J'ai un énorme écrasent sur lui

"My Name is Lee Joon"

My name is Lee Joon. My real name is Lee Chang-sun.

I was born on February 7, 1988. 
My birthday is early in the year so I’m friends with Seung Ho and G.O.

Having to practice all night everyday is hard 
but it’s okay because I’ve gotten used to it. Everyone goes through hard times in their life. I’ll fall asleep at the hair salon and wake up to find that my make-up has been done. Hahaha.

I’m naturally slim 
So there wasn’t anything in particular that I wasn’t allowed to eat while filming “Ninja Assassin” apart from oily food. So when I went to the restaurant with Rain, he’d order a whole bunch of food for me and tell me to eat one food after the other. He’d watch me eat that food while he himself would just eat peanuts. There were many times I felt awful because I was full but couldn’t stop until I finished everything.

The physical training I underwent ahead of shooting the movie was grueling. 
But I’m disappointed that my body didn’t look so good in the parts I appeared in. I had cried while receiving training because it was so tough. And I’ve been so busy after my debut that I still haven’t been able to go to the theater to watch the film itself. I envy my fans who leave comments saying they watched it several times. And I don’t even remember the whole story properly anymore.

Acting is my life. 
I want to pursue it without taking any breaks. And I want to keep looking at scripts. I actually had been a bit proud because my acting debut was in a Hollywood film. And after that, I’d been preparing to shoot a war film with other actors my age but it got cancelled after I had become familiar with the script. I was sad but I believe there are things I learn from the process of preparing for it.

I majored in dance at Korea National University of Arts. 
I had originally wanted to major in drama but I heard you can’t get in if your academic grades are very bad so I looked for another major. That’s when I came across a video of dancer-turned-actor Lee Yong-woo of when he won a dance competition. I’d always thought that guy dancers would wear tights and would look feminine but he looked very charismatic with a buzz cut and his great outfit so I took up dancing during my final year of middle school.

I actually have very short arms. 
They’re shorter than female arms too. It’s important to have long arms to dance so I extend the muscles in my shoulders to elongate my arms although I think it still shows. And I’ve been told to fix the dancing for our group’s choreography because they say it looks too much like artistic dance. I’m always tensed up when I’m dancing.

My voice is still in bad condition after having been sick with the swine flu. 
I keep coughing when I talk or sing. And I have to keep smiling in a cute way when singing “G.O.O.D Luv” so much that my facial muscles hurt. Seung Ho is having a really hard time with it because he has to keep smiling when he’s actually quite reserved and quiet. People often say that I’m clumsy but I’m not. I’m definitely not that type at all. Oh, there’s something on my mouth? It must be from the cookies I ate earlier. Haha.

Sr : asiae


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Le coeur bat

ahaha long time no post :)

about the title, gue lagi suka banget sama lagunya 2PM yang heart beat. ga tau kenapa tiap denger lagu ini jantung gue jadi ikut berdegup (?) lols.

I don't know why, but it still feels strange to share your thought with somebody. gue juga gatau lagian mau cerita sama siapa. friends in Indo juga ga punya jadwal yang sama dengan gue, dan karena ada nya perbedaan waktu juga. well, sebenernya cuma 2 jam sih yaa. tapi susah menyesuaikan jam online sama mereka. kalo udah online bareng, gue suka telpon mereka via Skype. tapi ga enak juga tau-tau nyusahin mereka dengan cerita tentang hidup gue dan segala cacatnya.

jadi gini, akhir-akhir ini bokap gue suka nelpon.
ga tau dia dapet nomer gue di sini dari siapa, tapi tante gue patut dicurigain. masalahnya, gue ga pernah punya relationship yang baik sama dia. dan entah mengapa dia jadi sering nelpon gue. seminggu bisa lima kali, maybe. sebenarnya, bokap sama nyokap gue cerai baik-baik. dan mereka pun ga ngeributin soal hak asuh, karena gue sama kakak gue udah gede dan kita berhak nentuin pilihan kita sendiri. the truth is, my dad already re-married and his wife has a son. and her son is my step brother. cuma beberapa bulan setelah bonyok gue cerai, bokap udah nikah lagi. step brother gue ini orangnya annoying banget, dan nyokap tiri gue juga. awalnya sih nyokap tiri gue baik, but then i realized that she and her son didn't want another 'child' in their family. so, ya gue ikut nyokap. meskipun harus ninggalin semua yang gue cinta di Indonesia, ke tempat asing di sebuah kota kecil, Adelaide. and fyi aja, my mom has arranged a marriage with her boyfriend. bentar lagi gue punya bokap baru :D

gimana caranya gue ngehindarin telpon diaaa? ><