I know that you probably forget because you're busy with your job and all but today's Mother's Day in Indonesia so..
Mom, it's been a tough year for us, especially for you. You are the strongest lady I've ever seen, the most person I look up to, and you've always done your best as a mother for me and Mario. Even though I am nowhere close to the perfect daughter as you've expected me to be. There were times when I talked back to you, or when I didn't listen to your advice, when I made wrong choices, when I unintentionally let out hurtful words to you. I never meant any of those to hurt your feelings, even if I did, it was none of my intention. You know how teenagers are c: But despite of those, you always overwatch and protect me. I want to sincerely thank you for raising me to be the person I am now, for making sure that I grew up with so much love and care.
I'm a grown up now, and almost not a teenager anymore. I still can't picture how my life will be when I start to not depending on you, though I'm beginning to learn for it now that I live far away from home for college. I still can't cook properly, sorry mom :c But don't worry I'll watch what I eat, and my roommate often cooks for the both of us, she understands my condition hehe. I promise I'll take care of my health, to get enough sleep and rest. I know you'll be worried sick if I fall sick and I don't want that, I want you to live happily and enjoy the new life you just got. Please be happy with Charles, give him the same love as much as you give to me. If he happens to do something bad to you just tell me so that I can kick his chubby ass loljk. I know he loves you just as much as I do.
Mom, I'm gonna be the person you're most proud of. Please be healthy and live well, just wait for that one day when you see me saying proudly "That's my daughter."
I love you Mom, more than everything. Happy Mother's Day ♥